Drills to Skills
The Volume 2, Issue 1 of the Gym Rats Magazine is coming out on Sunday! GRM is a quarterly digital magazine for the Everyday Gymnast. (A subscription is just $20 per year! Subscribe now and get your free copy!) To connect with more gymnastics parents and coaches, join the Gym Rats One Gymnast at a Time Facebook Group!

One great feature of the Gym Rats Magazine is the “Drills to Skills” page where I help gymnasts understand the smaller steps it takes to do a larger skill. This time, since it’s meet season, I’m covering visualization.
It may not seem like visualization could be a “drill,” but it truly is. It has been proven with astronauts and Olympic athletes that the body responds physiologically to thoughts as well as actions. So a gymnast just imagining herself completing her skills or her routines is yet another way she can get in more repetitions of each of her skills. In fact, it may be even more valuable because visualization does not cause wear and tear on the body, and, inevitably, confidence increases each time a gymnast completes a successful skill.

This issue of the magazine includes a download of the “Gym Rats success Saturday Guide to Visualization,” where I go into step-by-step detail into how your gymnast can learn how to visualize. This is a skill that will not just help in the gym; it is a skill that she can take with her throughout life and help set her up for success not matter what she does.
Order the Gym Rats Magazine now and get Volume 1, Issue 4 for FREE!