More Fear of Success

In order to be successful, a gymnast must believe that she can be successful, and that she deserves to be successful.
Sometimes this is a very difficult trait to build in our gymnasts. This may be because outside influences tell her that she is not worthy, she did not work hard enough, she doesn’t have enough talent, she has too much talent, or any number of other outside influences. Parents and coaches have much to do with this attitude a gymnast believes of herself. We need to teach our gymnasts that if they work hard then they deserve every bit of success they achieve.
The problem is, if our gymnasts can’t get to the point where they believe that they can or should achieve something, then they will likely not achieve it.
Nathaniel Branden says, “‘Happiness anxiety’ is very common. Happiness can activate internal voices saying I don’t deserve this, or it will never last, or I’m riding for a fall…”
I had a gymnast who struggled with being positive and being able to see herself achieving her goals. She had a constant negative attitude about herself. One day, she began to think in terms of “neutral” thoughts, rather than positive thoughts about herself. Simply stated, she thought about the things that she already was, or the skills that she already had.
She couldn’t argue with herself anymore. She had to believe what she thought of herself, simply because they were true. After this, she was able to begin to think in more positive terms of herself.
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