Our Gymnasts Thrive

Since we made the decision to disconnect completely from the traditional and toxic gymnastics culture, our gymnasts have thrived more than ever. Over the next few days, I’ll share with you some of our gymnasts whose lives were improved just by being taught under the “Individual First” coaching philosophy that we have and share with our gymnasts.
Today, I’ll share what the “Individual First” Philosophy is and what we focus on.
I believe that the smallest minority in the world is the individual (I did not make this up; this is from Ayn Rand), and that if I am not for each individual child who comes through our doors, then I am not living up to that standard.
The standard that I set for myself as a gymnastics coach is that I want to give every gymnast a chance to thrive under my coaching. That doesn’t mean that every child becomes an Olympian. It means that each child receives the coaching that she needs in order to become the gymnast and person that she aspires to become. This may mean that she wants to learn how to do a pullover, or she may want to make it to competition level, or that she may want to compete in college. Whatever her goal is, it is important to me that she knows that her goal is important to me, and that I will help her in any way I can to help get her there.
My philosophy is such that I am not simply coaching gymnastics. Instead, gymnastics is the vehicle that I use to teach my gymnasts the valuable life lessons that they should be learning as adolescents. Through gymnastics, I teach my gymnasts goal-setting, time management, visualization, the importance of a positive attitude and mindset, the value of working hard, determination, perseverance, and the list goes on. But one of the most important lessons that I try to impart on my gymnasts is that they can do anything that they set their minds to. It is important to me that they come to learn and understand that they can direct their future, that they are not simply standing by and letting things happen to them. They can make things happen, and their minds are powerful.
Since my husband and I started our gym, we wanted to spread this philosophy through gymnastics to as many kids as possible, making gymnastics a positive and valuable experience for all of them. We do this in our gym everyday. And I’ve since created a program outside the gym that can reach even more Everyday Gymnasts just like the ones whose stories you’ll read this week. Check out the brand new Facebook group here.