Pre-Meet Warm-up

The Volume 2, Issue 1 of the Gym Rats Magazine is coming out on Sunday! GRM is a quarterly digital magazine for the Everyday Gymnast. (A subscription is just $20 per year! Subscribe now and get your free copy!)

This week, I’m highlighting different features of the Gym Rats Magazine, the magazine for the Everyday Gymnast. Today’s topic is Injury Prevention, and the pre-meet warm-up.
It’s 8:00 in the morning and you just stepped into the cold competition gym. The heat hasn’t been on for long enough to get to the floor, the lights are still dim and warming up, and the big door down at the end of vault is open for last-minute equipment needs. IT IS COLD. Open warm-up starts in 10 minutes, and you know that when you start doing your jumping jacks, your feet will sting like you jumped out of a 10-foot-high tree. What can you do?
The answer is the warm-up before the warm-up! What? Warm-up twice?
Not really. But if you start the morning off with some simple injury prevention exercises, your feet, ankles, wrists, and shoulders will thank you!
The upcoming issue of the Gym Rats Magazine has all the information you need to get your meet off to the right start!
- Ankle ABC’s
- Wrist nods
- Hitchhikers
- Over-and-backs