What Do You Want?

Last week, I shared my story about falling off beam five times at Regionals when I was a level 10. That beam routine felt so long and embarrassing that I contemplated stopping, getting off, and walking right out the door, and never looking back.
But I didn’t.
I knew that I didn’t want to feel that way again, however, so I had to make a change. This week’s posts will go through how I changed from falling off five times when it counted, to actually competing beam for my college team. I had to improve my mental attitude in order to get what I wanted.
You have to start at the end. In order to get to where you want to be, you have to know where it is you want to go. Otherwise, the bar continues to move, and you never reach your destination. You can be pulled in multiple directions, never really focusing on one thing, and never feeling like you’ve accomplished something (even if you have, in reality, accomplished a lot).
Your first step to getting where you want to go is to figure out what you want. What is the end goal that you are willing to work hard for? What do you want to accomplish? When it’s all said and done, what is it that you want to say that you did?
For me, on this transition, I truly wanted to be comfortable on beam in a meet. I wanted to compete like I did my routines in practice, confident that I would stay on. I wanted to know that I had the opportunity to do well, not just have that gross feeling that I had to “make it through beam.”
What is it that you want? This goal should be “me” oriented. Make it something that you can control (or that you will be able to control over time). If it is something like a certain score (dependent on a judge) or a certain placement (dependent on other competitors) or making someone else proud (dependent on someone else), then it’s not “me” oriented. Choose a goal that is about you.
Then decide that that is what you’re going to do!
Are you up for the challenge? Join the Gym Rats Goal-Setting Challenge now!